10 Rituals to Transform Your Morning Routine
“You can’t make someone feel good about themselves until you feel good about yourself.”
―  Robin S. Sharma, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams and Reaching Your DestinyÂ
10 Rituals to Transform Your Morning Routine According to best-selling author Robin Sharma.
The following are the 10 Morning Rituals on the path to personal mastery.
Please enjoy.
 1. The Ritual of Solitude:
- Solitude and quiet connect you to your creative source and release the universe’s limitless intelligence.
- This inner quietness brings many benefits, including a deep sense of well-being, inner peace, and boundless energy.
- The ritual of Solitude works best when you practice it at the same time every day.
- Being with nature also allows you to tune in to the infinite wisdom of your highest self.
 2. The Ritual of Physicality:
- Care for your body, and the mind will follow.
- As you train your body, so you train your mind.
- Breathe fresh air. Preferably deep from your abdomen every morning. It can help you take in more oxygen to run the body optimally.
  3. The Ritual of live Nourishment:
- A poor diet has a pronounced effect on your life. It drains your mental and physical energy.
- As you nourish your body, so you nourish your mind.
- Start eating live food. (Food is created through the natural interaction of the sun, air, soil, and water.)
  4. The Ritual of Abundant Knowledge:
- Commit to lifelong learning and expanding your knowledge base for the good of yourself and those around you.
- Knowledge is only potential power; to be manifested, put it into action.
- Read regularly. But remember, some books are meant to be tasted, some are meant to be chewed, and some are meant to be swallowed whole. 🙂
  5. The Ritual of Personal Reflection:
- By getting to know yourself, you will connect to a dimension of your being that you never knew you had.
- Retire to a quiet corner of your home every evening and reflect on your day. Then think of any adjustments you can make the next day.
- Start with what you made this morning and progress through your day.
- Happiness comes through sound judgment, good judgment comes through experience, and experience comes through bad judgment.
- Figure out what is right and wrong in your days and life. Then set about making improvements.
  6. The Ritual of Early Awakening:
- Sleep is nothing more than a habit; like any other habit, you can train yourself to sleepless.
- Embrace the pain and discomfort of waking up early. Pain is often the precursor to personal growth.
- One must strive for quality rest rather than quantity sleep. (never eat after 8:00 p.m. It may reduce your quality of sleep.)
- The ten-minute period before you sleep and the ten-minute period after waking up are profoundly influential on your subconscious mind.
- The thought you think and the actions you take in the first ten minutes after you wake up have a very marked effect on the rest of your day.
  7.  The Ritual of Music:
- Never forget the power of music. Spend a little time with it every day if you can.
- When you are down or weary, play some music.
- Music is an excellent tool for boosting your mood along with raising your vibration.
  8.  The Ritual of Spoken Word:
- Have a series of mantras you can recite in the morning, noon, and night.
- Mantras can be immensely effective in bringing clarity and focus to achieving your goals.
- Remember, the words you say to yourself affect your self-image, and your self-image determines your actions.
 9. The Ritual of a Congruent Character:
- Strengthening your character will affect how you see yourself and your actions.
- Cultivate your virtues. (a virtuous life is a meaningful life. Living this way will inevitably lead you to spiritual success)
- Act in a way that is congruent with your true character. Act with integrity. Be guided by your heart. The rest will take care of itself.
  10. The Ritual of Simplicity:
- Live a simple life.
- Focus only on your priorities, those activities which are truly meaningful.
- Stop buying stuff that does not add fundamental value to your life. Reduce your need for approval.
- Decluttered your space of living to the simplest. It will help you gain greater clarity in your life.
Final Thoughts
“Change is hardest at the beginning, messiest in the middle, and best at the end,” says Robin Sharma. And honestly, that couldn’t be more true. When you first start something new, like a big change in your life, it will feel like a total struggle. And It’s tough because you’re leaving behind what’s familiar, and the unknown feels pretty scary.
Maybe you feel uncertain, frustrated, or even like giving up because it just seems so hard.
But eventually, if you stick with it, you start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The change starts to feel more natural, and you realize that all the hard work, the messy parts, and the struggles were totally worth it. That’s when things start to feel best. You’re not only seeing the results, but you’re also feeling proud of how far you’ve come.Â
So, even though the start is tough and the middle is messy, just remember that the end is where it all comes together. Keep going, because the best part is waiting for you!
Thanks for reading.