
10 Morning Routine to Kick-Start the Day According to Robin Sharma

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10 Morning Routine to Kick-Start the Day to Transform Your Morning Routine

“You can’t make someone feel good about themselves until you feel good about yourself.”
 Robin S. Sharma, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams and Reaching Your Destiny 

Starting your day on the right note can set the tone for everything that follows.

According to Robin S. Sharma, the author of The 5 AM Club, the first few hours of your morning can be a game-changer for your productivity, mindset, and overall well-being.

Starting your day on the right note can set the tone for everything that follows.

In this guide, we’ll explore 10 powerful morning habits inspired by Sharma’s teachings that will help you set the tone for the day with lots of energy and clarity.

So, let’s dive into these simple yet impactful practices that can transform how you approach each new day

10 Morning Routine to Kick-Start the Day

1. The Ritual of Early Awakening:

The Ritual of Early Awakening:

Waking up early might feel uncomfortable at first, but as Sharma puts it, “it’s a habit that pays off.”

The first ten minutes after you wake up are crucial — they set the tone for your entire day.

What you think and do during that time can have a big impact on how the rest of your day unfolds.

The ten minutes before you sleep and the first ten minutes after you wake up play a huge role in shaping your subconscious mind.

Sleep is just a habit, and like any other habit, you can train yourself to need a little less of it. You want to focus on getting quality rest, not just more sleep.

To help with that, try things like using a weighted blanket, wearing blue light glasses, or setting up a diffuser to calm your nerves. 

Also, avoid eating after 8:00 p.m. or 3 hours before bedtime, to improve the quality of your sleep. This has been a game changer for me lately. I feel so much better the next day when I don’t eat right before my bedtime.

2. The Ritual of Solitude:

Spending time alone in quiet can help you tap into your creativity and connect with the limitless intelligence of the universe.

Time in solitude often brings so many benefits — inner calm, a sense of well-being, and endless energy.

This ritual works even better when you make it a daily habit, doing it at the same time each day will give you clarity and insight.

3. The Ritual of Physicality:

Take care of your body, and your mind will follow. That is a scientific fact. 

The more you train your body, the stronger your mind becomes. 

So, every morning, breathe in fresh air — try deep belly breaths. Go on walks, take the stairs more often, these will helps get more oxygen into your system, making sure your body runs at its best.

4. The Ritual of Live Nourishment:

Your diet has a big impact on how you feel — both mentally and physically.

If you choose to eat poorly, it will drain your energy. 

Therefore, you want to focus on eating live, organic foods, ones that come from nature — sun, air, soil, and drinking plenty of water. 

As you nourish your body, you’re also nourishing your mind.

5. The Ritual of Abundant Knowledge:

In today’s ever-changing world, you want to become a lifelong learner — always growing your knowledge, not just for yourself but for those around you too.

Knowledge is potential power, as they say, you gotta put it into action. 

Make reading a habit. Though don’t waste time on every books. 

Some books are meant to be skimmed, while others should be savored slowly. As Naval Ravikant reminds us, the better the book, the slower you must read it.

6. The Ritual of Personal Reflection:

Taking time to understand yourself helps you connect with parts of you that you might not have known existed.

So here what you need to do: every evening, find a quiet spot to reflect on your day. Think about what went well and where you can improve for tomorrow. 

Because happiness comes from making good choices, and good choices come from experience.

Often, that experience comes from making mistakes. 

So, look at what’s working and what’s not, then make adjustments to keep improving.

7. The Ritual of Spoken Word:

Your words are powerful spells that shaped your life. Therefore, you want to create a set of mantras you can repeat in the morning, at midday, and before bed. 

Mantras are powerful ways for bringing clarity and focus to your goals.

The words you say to yourself shape your self-image, and how you see yourself determines the actions you take.

8. The Ritual of Music:

Never underestimate the power of music. 

I personally, love a good music in the afternoon. Right now, I’m digging the Santana band, Sade, and a bit of old school (90’s and early 2000’s music) 

So, when you’re feeling low or tired, put on some tunes. Music is a great way to boost your mood and raise your energy and frequency.

9. The Ritual of a Congruent Character:

Cultivate your virtues. (a virtuous life is a meaningful life. Living this way will inevitably lead you to spiritual success) So, strengthen your character. This will affect the way you see yourself and the actions you take.

Act in a way that is congruent with your true character. Act with integrity. Be guided by your heart, and the rest will take care of itself.

10. The Ritual of Simplicity:

Live a simple life. Live a simple life. As Stoic philosophers, Epictetus reminds us, “He who is not happy with little will never be happy with much.” In other words, contentment comes from appreciating what you have.

So, stop buying the stuff that is not adding any real fundamental value to your life. Reduce your need for approval.

Decluttered your space of living. Doing so will help you gained greater clarity in your life. And as Robin S. Sharma would say, “All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.”


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