Thought for the Day| Meditations on Hope and Acceptance
Leap Essence’s Thought for the Day is a daily meditation for those in recovery or dealing with addiction to alcohol or drugs.
Check in with us every morning to read a new passage and find your inspiration for the day.
Turning the other cheek doesn’t mean giving up our right to respond.
Revenge just isn’t the answer once we get the hang of the Twelve Step principles. It never really gave us more than a quick high, and it usually left us feeling guilty—really guilty. Now, we’re learning to recognize the line between us and others, which helps us stay detached from their bad behavior, which often triggered our own need for revenge.
It’s important to know the difference between letting people walk all over us and simply allowing them to be rude. The program doesn’t say we should take abuse; it just suggests we respond thoughtfully, with God helping us choose our words.
By staying calm and firm, without attacking, we give everyone a chance to cool down. If we stick to this plan, we’ll have a lot fewer moments of guilt. Therefore, acting responsibly, with God’s guidance, will feel right and respectful to both us and the other person.
Today’s Affirmation:
I need to stand up for myself always and, just as important, rely on God for support.
Since 1954, A Life of My Own has been a key resource for alcoholics in recovery worldwide, with over nine million copies in print. This revised “little book” offers daily reflections, meditations, and prayers to support a clean and sober life, with practical spiritual guidance for everyday living.
Karen Casey is also the author of Each Day a New Beginning, she has spent over 20 years speaking on spirituality, relationships, and personal growth. Her own recovery from addiction started in Twelve Step groups more than 30 years ago, and she’s passionate about helping others in those same groups.
This summary is not a substitute for the original book; all quotes are paraphrased and credited to the author and publisher. Thank you.
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