Thought for the Day| Meditations on Hope and Acceptance

Leap Essence’s Thought for the Day is a daily meditation for those in recovery or dealing with addiction to alcohol or drugs.
Check in with us every morning to read a new passage and find your inspiration for the day.
*February 27*
Our feelings are our own.
Living with addiction has really messed with how we see life. We’ve been lied to, hurt, and put in risky situations. We’ve had little hope and even less confidence. It’s hard not to think the addict is the reason we feel the way we do. But that’s one of the first things we learn from our sponsor and others in the program: no matter what the addict does, we are in charge of how we feel and what we do. We can’t blame others for how we react to things.
At first, that’s tough to hear. We’ve been through some really hard stuff, and it feels like others should be at fault. But over time, we start to understand what it means to take full responsibility for ourselves. Once we get it, hope starts to come back. We’re no longer defeated. We feel stronger. We know no one can control us with their actions. The program will help change our attitude, but we have to want it. A daily commitment will make a difference.
Today’s Affirmation:
No one will control me today without my consent. I can choose to be serene and hopeful about every detail of my life.

Since 1954, A Life of My Own has been a key resource for alcoholics in recovery worldwide, with over nine million copies in print. This revised “little book” offers daily reflections, meditations, and prayers to support a clean and sober life, with practical spiritual guidance for everyday living.
Karen Casey, also the author of Each Day a New Beginning for women, she has spent over 20 years speaking on spirituality, relationships, and personal growth. Her own recovery from addiction started in Twelve Step groups more than 30 years ago, and she’s passionate about helping others in those same groups.
This summary is not a substitute for the original book; all quotes are paraphrased and credited to the author and publisher. Thank you.
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