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Thought for the Day| Meditations on Hope and Acceptance

Leap Essence’s Thought for the Day is a daily meditation for those in recovery or dealing with addiction to alcohol or drugs.

Check in with us every morning to read a new passage and find your inspiration for the day.

*March 3*

We can know the different between God’s will and our will.

Step Three is about turning our will over to God, but for a lot of us, that can be tough. We’re not sure how to do it, and it’s hard for others in the program to explain it to us too. But with some patience, we start to realize that it’s more about how we feel than anything else.

When we try to force our will on others, it just causes conflict and stress. We can learn to recognize those negative feelings as a sign that we’re not doing what God wants. If we take a moment to ask ourselves what God would want us to do in a situation and then actually do it, we can be sure that God’s will, not ours, is in control. That’s when we’ll feel peace. Recovery is teaching us the difference between peace and stress, and between following God’s will versus our own. If we’re willing to try living in a better way with others, we’ll start noticing God’s will in every moment, if that’s what we really want.

Today’s Affirmation:

I want to feel peaceful today. Asking for knowledge of God’s will and then following it will make me peaceful.

A Life of My Own

A Life Of My Own

Since 1954, A Life of My Own has been a key resource for alcoholics in recovery worldwide, with over nine million copies in print. This revised “little book” offers daily reflections, meditations, and prayers to support a clean and sober life, with practical spiritual guidance for everyday living.

Karen Casey, also the author of Each Day a New Beginning for women, she has spent over 20 years speaking on spirituality, relationships, and personal growth. Her own recovery from addiction started in Twelve Step groups more than 30 years ago, and she’s passionate about helping others in those same groups.

This summary is not a substitute for the original book; all quotes are paraphrased and credited to the author and publisher. Thank you.

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