Thought for the Day| Meditations on Hope and Acceptance
Leap Essence’s Thought for the Day offers daily meditations for people in recovery or affected by addiction to alcohol or other drugs.
Browse daily passages to find your inspiration for the day.
Letting go is a decision.
The need to make others see things our way just keeps us upset. On the other hand, understanding that everyone’s perspective is valid (at least to them) is something we learn through the Twelve Steps. Our goal is to be patient and listen so we can learn from those who have been down this road before. These people understand that letting go of others and their problems brings peace and frees us from that constant urge to control everything.
Look around. None of us ended up here because it was where we wanted to go. We’re all here because of pain, and we’ve all tried to force solutions that didn’t work. We went crazy trying to make others behave the way we wanted, thinking our way was not just reasonable, but the only right way. Our past may feel like a string of failures, but our present can be calm, hopeful, and successful. It’s all about the choice to let go, a simple choice we can make over and over again, every day.
Today’s Affirmation:
I Let go are tiny words with huge rewards. If I want to, I can give up my attempts to control someone today. Peace will be my reward.
Since 1954, A Life Of My Own has been a stable force in the recovery of many alcoholics worldwide. With over nine million copies in print (the original text has been revised), this “little book” offers daily thoughts, meditations, and prayers for living a clean and sober life. It is a spiritual resource with practical applications in our daily lives.
Karen Casey is also the best-selling author of Each Day a New Beginning, a daily meditation for Women. She has spoken on spirituality, relationships, and personal growth for more than twenty years. Casey is passionate about helping others in the Twelve Step support groups, where her own recovery from addiction began more than three decades ago.
This summary is not intended to replace the original book; all quotes are credited to the author mentioned above and the publisher. Thank you.
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