Thought for the Day| Meditations on Hope and Acceptance
Leap Essence’s Thought for the Day offers daily meditations for people in recovery or affected by addiction to alcohol or other drugs.
Browse daily passages to find your inspiration for the day.
*January 1*
Every human being brings something very special to the world. 🌎
Our When our lives were wracked by our close association with people suffering from the disease of addiction, we lost a sense of who we really were.
Seeing ourselves through the behavior of others cancelled out our positive qualities, and our self-esteem plummeted.
The program, particularly the Steps, helps us regain the knowledge of who we are. And through that process we discover the qualities we have that we can share with others. The willingness to “take inventory” of our behavior, our thoughts, and our values is the place to begin.
Accepting that every individual is blessed with a special talent that is unique and necessary to the whole of humanity, helps each of us, especially on the days we’d rather hide under the covers. We do have something to give everyone we meet today. How we thought of ourselves in the past as the result of the alcoholism around us can’t block us any longer. We are free and our talents are needed.
Today’s Affirmation:
Every situation I meet today will be affected by my presence. I have something to give that only I can give.
Since 1954, A Life Of My Own has been a stable force in the recovery of many alcoholics worldwide. With over nine million copies in print (the original text has been revised), this “little book” offers daily thoughts, meditations, and prayers for living a clean and sober life. It is a spiritual resource with practical applications in our daily lives.
Karen Casey is also the best-selling author of Each Day a New Beginning, a daily meditation for Women. She has spoken on spirituality, relationships, and personal growth for more than twenty years. Casey is passionate about helping others in the Twelve Step support groups, where her own recovery from addiction began more than three decades ago.
This summary is not intended to replace the original book; all quotes are credited to the author mentioned above and the publisher. Thank you.
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