Sunset Serenity: How watching the sunset can lift your spirits

Sunset Serenity: How Watching the Sunset Can Lift Your Spirits. Have you ever caught the sight of a sunset, and just for a moment, you stood still? You might have even find yourself in a trance, staring at something resembling awe. Or maybe, you took a picture, capturing a memory that could be relived again …

Life in Five Senses review by Gretchen Rubin [Book Summary & Takeaways]

Life in five senses review by Gretchen Rubin summary> subtitled: How exploring the senses got me out of my head and into the world by Gretchen Rubin. A Five Senses Jump-Start—Key Notes Summary. The more we notice, the more we can enjoy. —Gretchen Rubin, Life in Five Senses: How Exploring the Senses Got Me Out of …

Birds and Buddha Nature: Unraveling the Feathered Zen Masters

Birds and Buddha nature. “When the Sun of compassion arises, darkness evaporates and the singing birds come from nowhere.”― Amit Ray  I’ve always found birds fascinating. Even as a kid growing up in Haiti, I’d spend hours just watching them. Sometimes, my friends and I would go bird hunting to kill time—not something I enjoyed …