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Hello friend,

The following are some of my favorite discoveries and heartwarming stories that have deeply influenced my life over the years. I hope they inspire and uplift you just as they have for me!

See What Happens When You Tap into a New Aspect of a Familiar Landscape.

The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” ― W.B. Yeats

We are so busy managing our lives,” writes the Irish poet and author John o’Donohue, “that we forget this great mystery we are involved in.” And the more we do so, the less connected we feel to the deeper world around us. Today, we’ll explore the new Science of everyday wonder, and how to see things differently in a world of… Continue reading.>>>

Birds and Buddha Nature: Unraveling the Feathered Zen Masters

“When the Sun of compassion arises darkness evaporates and the singing birds come from nowhere.”Amit Ray. Birds are incredible creatures, aren’t they? With their smooth flights and cheerful songs, these little cuties have amazed people for generations. Just watching them flying through the air or hearing them sing in the morning can feel a bit like magic. And I’ve always wondered whether these creatures have a special kind of wisdom inside them.

In Buddhism, there’s an idea called Buddha Nature, which means that every living thing might have the potential to be peaceful, kind, and wise—almost like having a tiny spark of enlightenment. Think about how birds live. They don’t stress about what’s next—they just fly, build nests, and travel incredible distances without getting lost. They just live their lives, moment by moment, perfectly in sync with …Continue reading.>>>

Sunset Serenity: How Watching the Sunset Can Lift Your Spirits.

152A5D43 80FA 4060 B77A 325F0B183928 scaled - Sunset Serenity: How Watching the Sunset Can Lift Your Spirits

Have you ever paused to watch a sunset, and found yourself completely still, lost in the beauty of the moment? Maybe you even snapped a picture, trying to capture the magic so you could relive it again and again. If so, you’re not alone.

For thousands of years, sunsets have fascinated the human mind, filling us with wonder and awe. Even in today’s tech-driven world, where screens dominate our lives, nature’s grandeur—like the colors of a sunset—never fails to captivate us. We often view a clear sky as a metaphor for a new start. often you may hear people say, “Blue sky thinking.” In the same way, sunrises or sunsets are events we believe, hold promises. Continue reading.>>>

The Healing Power of Stillness.

This year has been all about doing less for me. Less screen time. Less busyness. Less drama…Just less. The main reason behind wanting less is to create space for stillness and slowing down. In a world that constantly pushes us to be busy and productive, I’ve realized how important it is to step back and embrace moments of quiet.

As Blaise Pascal, the French mathematician and physicist, observed way back in 1654: “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” And I get it, it can feel difficult to truly be still and spend time with ourselves. But the truth is, it’s in these quiet moments that we find clarity, peace, and the opportunity to reconnect with what truly matters. By embracing stillness, we give ourselves the chance to think more deeply, reflect, and restore our energy. Continue reading. >>>

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz SUMMARY

In The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz offers a powerful Practical Guide to Personal Freedom, yet a simple framework that can transform the way we live, think, and relate to others. Rooted in ancient Toltec wisdom, these four principles offer a guide to breaking free from the self-limiting beliefs and behaviors that hold us back.

Through this book, Ruiz invites us to challenge our assumptions, let go of fear, and embrace a life of authenticity and peace. Each agreement serves as a reminder that we have the power to create our own reality, shift our mindset, and to step into the freedom that comes with living consciously. Continue reading. >>>

15 Habits That Can Help Clear Your Mind

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Let’s face it—life can get messy. With endless to-do lists, notifications buzzing, and a million thoughts racing through your head, finding a little peace can feel impossible. But clearing your mind doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s all about making small changes that help you reset and refocus.

In this post, I’m sharing 15 easy habits that you can start using today to calm the chaos, clear your thoughts, and feel more in control. Whether you’re juggling work, relationships, or just trying to catch your breath, these tips are here to help. Continue reading.>>>

30 Life Lessons I Wish I Had Learned Earlier in my Twenties

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When you’re in your 20s, you might wish you’d known some hard truths about life—but let’s be honest, you probably wouldn’t have listened back then. Now, with hindsight, I’ve come to realize the immense value of the lessons life has taught me. Some were learned through trial and error, others through reflection, but all of them shaped who I am today.

That’s why I’ve compiled these 30 life lessons I wish I’d learned earlier in my twenties. These aren’t just rules to live by—they’re insights to help you navigate the complexities of life. Whether you’re in your 20s, 30s, 40s, or beyond, these lessons remain relevant and impactful… Continue reading.>>>

3 Lessons from Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

“Creativity is sacred, and it is not sacred. What we make matters enormously, and it doesn’t matter at all. We toil alone, and we are accompanied by spirits. We are terrified, and we are brave. Art is a crushing chore and a wonderful privilege.”― Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear.

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert is all about learning how to live a creative life without letting fear take over. It’s a book that shows us where creativity comes from and how to enjoy the process of creating without all the stress. Gilbert tells us that, the best thing we can do is, to allow curiosity to drive our decisions while keeping fear in the backseat. “Fear doesn’t get a vote.” says Gilbert, and its only job is to remind you of the essential things. Nothing more or less. Continue reading.>>>

The Lesson That Took Me the Longest to Learn

How To be kinder to yourself

“Wherever we’re trying to go, we do not bully ourselves there. We believe ourselves there.― Leeana Tankersley.

When I think about the lesson that took me the longest to learn, I realize it’s a lack of self-compassion. Like, I thought I was supposed to do things before it was possible to do them, but I soon realized that everything that we’re doing in the here and now Is our life’s work. Like, It is our life’s work to improve our mindset… Continue reading.>>>

If You Don’t Do These 5 Things You Will Never Lose the Weight Gain

Losing weight isn’t just about eating less or working out more—it’s about creating small habits that make a big difference over time. Sometimes, we forget the little things that can help us stick to our goals and feel great while doing it. If losing weight has been tough for you before, don’t worry—you’re not alone. The good news is, there are easy ways to get started that don’t feel overwhelming. These five tips aren’t just about looking good; they’re about feeling strong, healthy, and happy.

Think of them as fun, simple tricks you can try right now to get closer to your goals. You might even start noticing small changes in how you feel in just a few days. Ready to give it a shot? Let’s go! Continue reading.>>>

Nature surrounds us all the timeunfolding in the vast canvas above us.

Sunset Serenity: How Watching the Sunset Can Lift Your Spirits

The warm hues of the setting sun can trigger a cascade of positive emotions. In effect, it can help reduce stress and enhance our overall mood.

As for me, I find a few minutes of stretch yoga after a long day of sitting, do wonders for my body. And more often than not, it decompresses my spine to help prevent potential back pain. Therefore, I make it part of my evening rituals. Continue reading.>>>

3 Things Mother Teresa and Gandhi Can Teach Us about Privacy and Action/ Doing

3 Things Mother Teresa and Gandhi Can Teach Us about Privacy, Action & Doing.

Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa are a few of the great humanitarians in history who inspired independence without war and freedom across the world. Their core principles of non-violence, peace, and compassion; have been some of the blueprints we try to emulate in our own lives. Here are 3 Things Mother Teresa and Gandhi Can Teach Us about Privacy, Action & Doing. Continue reading.>>>

Use This Simple Technique To Reignite Your Love For Reading.

how to not get bored of reading

Have you ever picked up a book, hoping to power through it, but instead, got distracted or disinterested? Like, how do you really not get bored of reading?

It can be quite frustrating when this happens, especially when you have a pile of books waiting on the shelf, calling your name every time you walk by.

But what if I told you there are ways to keep your reading momentum without abandoning books altogether? Continue reading.>>>

When You Want to Return Evil for Evil, Remember This…

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May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house. —George Carlin. In ancient times, they say that, when people wanted to kill a bear; they would hang a heavy log over a bowl of honey. The bear would then push the log to eat the honey. In doing so, the log would swing back and hit the bear—just enough for him to hit it back even harder. This back-and-forth would go on for a while, until eventually, the log catches momentum, with enough power to kill the bear. Continue reading.>>>

The Importance of Quiet Moments.

The Importance of Quiet Moments

I have this belief that the quiet moments are the best moments in life. My favorite quiet moment, is when I got up early and go for a walk in nature. I’d often bring my skateboard for a ride along, cruising while the rest of world slowly wakes up. To me, these sort of stillness, quiet morning reflection, where I’m not checking emails, I’m not checking notifications, where I’m sort of fully very much in the moment, are the best moments. Continue reading.>>>

The Traveler’s Gift by Andy Andrews: Seven Decisions that Determine Personal Success. Summary notes.

After losing his full-time job, David Ponder struggled to feed his family and make ends meet. The guilt of not being able to provide for his family compelled Ponder to drive dangerously on an icy road where he then crashed into a tree, where he remained unconscious. Continue reading.>>>

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