How One Book Changed My Life: From Addiction and Depression to Hope and Growth

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson How One Book Changed My Life: From Addiction and Depression to Hope and Growth If you had met me a couple of years ago, you probably wouldn’t have recognized me as the person I am …

Gretchen Rubin’s Five-Senses Self-Portrait

 Gretchen Rubin’s Five-Senses Self-Portrait of self-experimentation, and exploring the mysteries and joys of the five senses. “The more we notice, the more we can enjoy.”― Gretchen Rubin, Life in Five Senses. Gretchen’s Five-Senses Self-Portrait. Gretchen Rubin is an expert on happiness. Host of the award-winning podcast Happier with Gretchen Rubin, alongside sister, Elizabeth Craft, where they dive into practical …

Life in Five Senses review by Gretchen Rubin [Book Summary & Takeaways]

Life in five senses review by Gretchen Rubin summary> subtitled: How exploring the senses got me out of my head and into the world by Gretchen Rubin. A Five Senses Jump-Start—Key Notes Summary. The more we notice, the more we can enjoy. —Gretchen Rubin, Life in Five Senses: How Exploring the Senses Got Me Out of …