The Healthy Habit Revolution by Derek Doepker [Book Summary]

The healthy habit revolution by Derek Doepker: a step-by-step guide to building better habits. The healthy habit revolution is a step-by-step guidebook on strategies to improve your practices. The most crucial step in changing a routine is understanding how patterns work and their triggers. Cultivating the Growth Mindset Individuals with a growth mindset value learning …

The Verbally Abusive Relationship by Patricia Evans [Book Summary]

“In a verbally abusive relationship, the partner learns to tolerate abuse without realizing it and to lose self-esteem without realizing it. She is blamed by the abuser and becomes the scapegoat. The partner is then the victim.”― Patricia Evans, The Verbally Abusive Relationship: How to Recognize It and How to Respond The Verbally Abusive Relationship by Patricia …

F*ck Feelings by Michael Bennett and Sarah Bennett [Book Summary & PDF]

F*ck Feelings by Michael Bennett, Md, and Sarah Bennett [Book Summary & PDF] One Shrink’s Practical Advice for Managing All Life’s Impossible Problems. F*ck Feelings is a self-help book with practical point of view on the types of changes individuals can expect in their lives given a specific set of obstacles. About the authors: Michael Bennett: Michael …