The Subconscious: Secrets to a greater life

The conscious and the subconscious: the realm of cause and effect We’ve all heard that our thoughts shape our lives, but what if I told you there’s a deeper layer to this? Below the surface, of your conscious mind, lies a deeper layer called your subconscious mind—influencing everything you think, feel, and do. What’s even crazier …


Shakespeare’s Wisdom: The Power of Mercy in Justice and Forgiveness William Shakespeare, the renowned poet and playwright from the Elizabethan and early Jacobean eras, is one of the most famous authors in all of English literature. One concept Shakespeare often explored in his plays was mercy–the idea of showing kindness and forgiveness, even when it’s …

5 Benefits of Walking in Nature During Fall You Need to Know 🪶🍂🎑

Autumn walks, benefits of walking in nature, fall hiking benefits, mental health and nature walks, creativity boost walking outdoors “An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day” —Henry David Thoreau. There’s something truly magical about walking in nature during the fall—it never fails to amaze me how deeply it can rejuvenate our …