5 Benefits of Walking in Nature During Fall You Need to Know 🪶🍂🎑

Autumn walks, benefits of walking in nature, fall hiking benefits, mental health and nature walks, creativity boost walking outdoors “An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day” —Henry David Thoreau. There’s something truly magical about walking in nature during the fall—it never fails to amaze me how deeply it can rejuvenate our …

12 Lessons from Gabby Bernstein’s Book—The Universe Has Your Back

12 Lessons from Gabby Bernstein’s Book—The Universe Has Your Back Gabrielle Bernstein is one of my favorite go-to authors for all things personal growth and spirituality. She’s written bestsellers like The Universe Has Your Back, amongst other books that are packed with practical advice and soulful inspiration to help you live your best life. What I …