Four Ways To Balance your Heart Chakra’s green energy

Through love, all pain will turn to medicine.” — Rumi.
The Fourth Chakra: The heart chakra
The heart chakra is known in Sanskrit as the Anahata (pronounced anna-hatta) chakra.
This chakra is your connection to your capacity for love, compassion, empathy, forgiveness, and peace.
In General, the heart chakra can be described as the bridge between the mind, body, and spirit.
When your Heart Chakra is well-balanced, you’ll be able to offer empathy to others and be emotionally open to trusting and accepting yourself as you are at this moment.
A balanced heart chakra enables you to wait patiently for the right relationship and not be afraid to be alone.
When the heart chakra awakens, you’ll arise out of the ego identity to see beyond the veil of the illusion of separateness.
The heart chakra gets out of balance when your relationships with others are out of alignment.
That is to say, whenever you feel unloved, inferior, fear rejection, or the avoidance of being alone — there are signs of an underactive heart chakra.
The Heart Chakra Affirmations
I am grateful for all the love that has been given to me, and I gladly share my love with others.
I accept the things and people in my life as they are.
My heart is full of the love of life, and I gladly share with others from this fullness.
In the center of my heart is goodness and light that no darkness can touch.
Love courses through every cell in my body with its healing energy.
The air element of your heart chakra benefits from vegetables that grow in the air and all greens, high-in-chlorophyll vegetables.
Take care my friend, until next time.
Related post: Throat Chakra