Enjoy these moments while you can

I have this belief that the quiet moments are the best moments in life.
My favorite quiet moment, is when I got up super early and go for a walk in nature.
I sometimes bring my skateboard along for a ride, cruising while the rest of world slowly wakes up.
To me, these sort of stillness,— quiet morning reflection, where I’m not checking emails, where I’m not keeping up with joneses, where I’m sort of fully very much in the moment, are the best moments.
The Importance of Quiet Moments
I just sort of go, experiencing nature, see the animals.
Sometimes I’d see wild Turkeys in these woods.
Other times, a few white tailed deer wandering about, just like last week.
I was able to snap this pic of this handsome fellow down below.

For a moment there, I thought he was going to charge at me, but then I realize, that poor thing was probably more scared of me.
So, I just sort of go and experience nature for a moment. And on days I have beaucoup time, I’d stopped at the lake, and sort of seat there, watching the ducks and gooses honk and quacks, or whatever funny sounds these guys makes, I’m here for it.
It’s truly is my favorite part of my day.
And I believe these moments are so important.
They gave us profound meaning and gratitude for what we have.
To me, It’s just sort of this incredible experience.

So I begin asking myself, “why don’t I have more of these quiet moments?” I mean, for the most part, Its something we can access at any time.
These quiet moments don’t cost us any money, and yet, they’re sort of extremely rare in our lives. Like why is that? What’s preventing these quiet moments?
Oftentimes we gave up our time, which is this priceless assets, for things that don’t really matter. Meanwhile we have these experiences out there to discover. And since they don’t seem like they cost money, like we don’t value them.
We sort of say yes to things cause that’s what we believe we’re supposed to do, rarely do we actually questioned what they worth. Now more than ever, we are starving for spirituality, starving for our way back home. As American actress, Moira Kelly emphasized, “We have a world that is searching for answer, that is searching for a way back to spirituality.”

Seneca the Younger, one of the ancient Rome’s philosopher I’m recently learning about, talks about how we’re sort of on this path, and as we walk on our path, there are also all these paths that crisscross ours.
And since there’s other people’s footprints, this makes it harder, and even confusing, overwhelming most days not lose our focus. If there was one set of footprint we’d know where to go, but unfortunately that is not the case. Other people’s opinions, baggage’s, that are all entangled within our path. And Seneca talks about how tranquility is sort of having confidence in yourself in the path that you’re on, to not be led astray by the paths that crisscross yours.
And the question, I think that we need to spend those quiet moment thinking about, is this idea of asking ourselves, what is my path? Or what am I actually trying to do here?
Once you’ve got an answer, then next step is to practice the discipline to actually be discipline about your discipline. If that makes sense. Making sure that you’re not comparing yourself with people who are running very different races than you, to stay in your lane.
I’m convinced that God wants to fill the earth with his presence, but our choices and rebellion are actively pushing him back.
We get restlessness in our pursuits. Working overtime. Worshiping money. But I quickly realize when you work after you’ve been well rested, you won’t need to get rest. It even says it In the bible that, God’s perspective was to work, then rest. Then created Adam to know rest, and then work. But too often what I see are human being trying to be like God, when we are Adam. I am a firm believer that only when we truly know rest, can we know how to work and to enjoy it.
The Importance of Quiet Moments: Enjoy these moments while you can
“We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves, otherwise we harden.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Taking care of your spiritual needs is one of the best ways to take care of others. I know rest can mean a lot of things to different people. For you it could be moving slower as you clean the house or being mindful while you make a prep a meal, or while drinking your green tea, taking an afternoon nap, these are all ways you can be kind enough to give ourselves the break our bodies and souls so desperately desire. Meditation for instance, (which is a practice of shifting your focus on the ins and outs of your breath.) is also another form of rest. As the Catholic priest, Henry Nouwen puts it, “Its the place where God does his best work.”
I’d suggest dedicating at least one day of the week as a day of mindfulness. It may not be much to solve all of your problems, but it is a great start.
As boring of an activity you might assumed these practices are, I personally enjoy chasing the “boring” stuff because that’s the thing that’s actually allowing me to be more grounded, and feel less anxious.
And If you’re not resting, you’re also not healing.
Thanks for listening, and I’ll catch you in the next one.