No man is free who is not a master of himself.” — Epictetus.
The Third Chakra: The Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus chakra is known in Sanskrit as the Manipura (pronounced monny-poora). The solar plexus is well-positioned at the center of the abdomen below your navel, or belly button in your stomach area.
This Chakra is often considered to be vital for self-esteem, autonomy, and determination. It’s where you develop your personal power through discipline and self-control. Yellow symbolizes energy, brightness, youth, and balance of energy.
When activated, The solar plexus make skillful self-expression less challenging and helps balance the energy that contributes to mental, physical, and emotional wellness.
A balanced Solar Plexus Chakra boosts self-esteem, respect for others, calmness, and confidence to awaken your personal, internal strength to achieve your attention and desires.
When we embody the energy of the solar plexus chakra, we find empowerment and a transformation takes upon us.
When the Solar Plexus Chakra is out of balance, Your self-confidence suffers. As a result, your tendency to worry about others’ opinions increases.
A lack of yellow energy can cause depression, disorientation, liver, and respiratory problems.
The Solar Plexus chakra can easily be affected by unpleasant social experiences or having a constant feeling of low self-worth.
I will do my best today.
I will rise above that which would hold me back, internally and externally, and put forth my best effort.
I ignite the fire of my spirit will and throw all my doubts, fears, and insecurities into this fire, transforming them into pure energy.
I choose to align my will with the calling of my highest self.
Note: Popcorn and nachos with peppers are recreational food options for activating the fire of the Solar Plexus Chakra.
For the most part, Eat Foods that sustain digestive fire and are processed slowly, such as whole grains. Moreover, most yellow foods can stimulate the digestive fire of your solar plexus.
Practice gratitude.
Don’t take life or your loved one for granted. 🙂
Gratitude is a crucial component for balancing your solar plexus chakra.
With this in mind, expressing thankfulness and blessing the food before you eat it; is always a good idea, regardless of whether you are at a public restaurant or a gathering place. It shows grace and appreciation for what you’ve been blessed with.
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Related post: Heart Chakra
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