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In plain English, a mantra is a collection of words strung together to create a positive effect.
The word mantra comes from two Sanskrit words: man and tra. Manis the Hindi word for mind, which also originates from the word “man,” woman, or human.
Tra means vehicle or instrument.
Words like “train,” “travel,” “transportation” are all derived from the Sanskrit root tra.
In other words, a mantra is a tool to transport the mind from a state of activity into stillness and silence.
Essentially a mantra is intended to provide clarity or spiritual guidance.
In nearly all traditions, the most basic mantra is the word “I am.”
When Moses asks God, “What’s your name?”
God replies, ‘I am, that I am.’
Hamed, ha hum, and Om — are all basic sounds of mantras.
These sounds are helpful in the meditative process because they allowed us to block out our thoughts while boosting our focus.
As Roman emperor, Marcus Aurelius reminds us, “Erase the false impressions from your mind by constantly saying to yourself, I have it in my soul to keep out any evil, desire or any kind of disturbance. Instead, see the true nature of things. Always remember this power that nature gave you.”
To experience how effective mantras can be, follow along this a quick exercise:
Close your eyes, and mentally repeat the word “I am.”
Do it long enough, and soon enough; it will quiet your mind.
The Om Symbol
In general, mantras are phrases designed to free the mind.
Typically, most mantras consist of sounds, syllables, or vibrations, that don’t necessarily have any meaning behind them; however their values lie in their vibrational quality.
Om is the ultimate vibration of the Universe. If you remember anything from this article, let it be this one.
Just as a white light contains every spectrum color, the Om sound contains every sound in the vibrational spectrum — Including those we can’t hear with our ears.
The chanting of Om is the oldest sacred mantra vibration since the dawn of creation.
For this reason, they go beyond the realm of sound.
The sound of Om is also called Pranava, which means that it sustains life, such as the breath or Prana.
In its original spelling and pronunciation, Aum (pronounced ahh-uhh-mmm) is a mixed vibration of the three states of consciousness into the one-ness of three distinct syllables: A, U, and M.
These three vibrations also represent our known existence stages: birth, life, and death.
The three states of consciousness
- The first state of consciousness is the waking state. This state represented by the vibration “A” (pronounced” ahh. Like the sound you make opening your mouth at the doctor’s, for instance). It is said to be the waking state of the Universe and the beginning of all things.
- The second state is the dream state of consciousness. The dream state lies between the waking and the deep sleep states. Express by the letter “U.”
- The third state of consciousness is the deep sleep state. This state is defined by the letter “M,” pronounced as in -sum or hum.
Historically, the Om mantra was first mentioned in the twelve verses of the ancient Vedic text and the Mandukya Upanishads. Which explains why the three primary states of consciousness are: waking, sleeping, and dreaming.
The Power of Mantras: Benefits of Chanting Om
- Om mantra frequently improves the vocal cord.
- Research shows, people who meditate using mantras feel more empowered after each session. Reasons why is that it helped quiet the mind and bring inner peace.
- Using the chanting Om in your practice is just a plus. A regular breathing technique meditation can also get the job done.
- When under a lot of stress or feel depressed, chant Om multiple times throughout the day. Doing so, will help strengthen your mood and brings more inspiration into your life.
Final Thoughts
Mantra doesn’t always have to be spoken words.
Written affirmations can also effective.
Though when I need to feel motivated, I might repeat, “I am inspired, I am energized, I am strong, and so on. You can do like so for a minimum of fifteen times throughout the day.
It’s always a good thing to constantly affirm all that is good in your world through mantras.