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Foods to eat to enhance your third eye

We have five senses in which we glory and which we recognize and celebrate, senses that constitute the sensible world for us. But there are other senses – secret senses, sixth senses if you will – equally vital, but unrecognized. ~Oliver Sacks.

The Sixth Chakra: The Third Eye Chakra           

The sixth chakra, also called the third-eye chakra, is known in Sanskrit as the Ajana (pronounced ahjj-na) chakra.

This is your personal connection to the source — the point between your individual soul and the universal spirit.

The Third Eye Chakra determines your intuition and your ability to see the bigger picture in life.

It is the connection between the conscious and the unconscious mind.

Even though the third eye is invisible, it has a profound vision to guide your life journey and intuitions.

Facts About The Third Eye Chakra

  • Physical Location: in the middle of the lower forehead, between your eyes, and up slightly.
  • Traditional color: Purple/Indigo.
  • Element: Light (Extra-Sensory Perception.)
  • The vibration/mantra for the third eye chakra is Shaam. (close your eyes while meditating, and repeat the word Shaam after each out-breath.)

Third Eye Chakra — in balance

When the third eye chakra is in balance, your ability to experience high mental clarity increases.

You’re able to differentiate between reality and imagination.

An overall balanced Third Eye Chakra promotes good health, helps you think more precisely, and improving focus.

When the third eye is open, you’re more able to trust your gut feelings, build trust in yourself, and have more empathy for others.

Third Eye Chakra — out of balance

The Third Eye can be misaligned when you’re doubting your broader purpose. For example, if you feel there’s no point in what you’re doing or feel it is insignificant — it’s a sign that your third eye might be out of balance.

Some other signs may include; frequent fatigue, insomnia, daydreaming, disoriented, and lack of assertiveness.

The Third Eye Affirmations 

Whether this day brings ups or downs, joys or sorrows, I can withdraw my mind from worldly concerns and focus on the light of my inner vision.

May I be purified of the imperfections that cloud the vision of the lotus flower of my spiritual eye.

May I align with the original purity of being as I reach for the light.

Foods that enhance your third eye:🍆🍇💜

The element of light of your sixth chakra is fed by light meals and indigo and purple vegetables. Here are a few examples:

  • Eggplant, Purple Kale, Purple cabbage, Wheat germ, Concord grapes, Blueberries, Lavender, Alfalfa, Chamomile, and Vitamin E.

Other treats include: red wine and chocolate. All enhance your third eye chakra.

Thank you for reading.

I hope this little piece was helpful to you. And If no one hasn’t told you this today, remember that you are loved, worthy, and you matter. 

determines your intuition and your ability to see the bigger picture in life.

So speak your truth, even if your voice shakes.

Take care, my friend, until next time.


Related post: Crown Chakra

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