![You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero [Book summary & PDF] You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero [Book summary & PDF]](https://mlfwe0uloqyb.i.optimole.com/w:680/h:509/q:mauto/ig:avif/https://www.leapessence.com/wp-content/plugins/lazy-load/images/1x1.trans.gif)
You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero
Money is a tricky topic.
Some people are obsessed with it, while others hate it, thinking “money is evil.” Some want money, while others feel guilty for having too much.
We often think it turns people into greedy, selfish people, but that’s a myth, according to Sincero. The truth is, making money can help people break free from financial struggles and focus on what they care about.
It’s how philanthropists and activists fund charities and spread important messages.
Our feelings about money can shift.
For instance, you might see your friend’s new fancy TV and want one too. But then, if someone you don’t like brags about having the same TV, you might suddenly feel bad for wanting it.
Another common misconception belief is that if one person gets rich, it means someone else has to stay poor. That couldn’t be further from the truth.
That sort of thinking, explains Sincero, comes from a “lack mindset,” where we think there’s not enough money or resources for everyone.
But think about it: if you eat a sandwich, do you think someone else’s lunch is being taken away?
Of course not.
You eat your lunch to fuel your work, and that helps create opportunities for others to do their jobs and buy their own sandwiches.
Sincero used to spend her youth working low-paying jobs like catering, babysitting, and knitting. Now, she’s here to help you avoid wasting time and start building a healthy, profitable relationship with money.
Money isn’t inherently evil; it’s simply an effective way of conducting business.

Money itself isn’t good or bad, explains Sincero, it’s just a tool.
How we choose to use it is what makes it either positive or negative.
When money was first invented way back in ancient times, there were no evil intentions behind it. People just needed a simpler way to trade than the complicated and time-consuming process of exchanging goods.
Imagine this: if you wanted a nice fur coat, you might have to build a stone wall. Or a nobleman might trade his daughters for a seaside castle. Negotiations like these were time-consuming and often involved a lot of arguing. With currency, though, if you wanted a camel, all you had to do was pull out your money and buy it. Simple as that.
So rather than being evil, it’s more accurate to recognize money as an efficient way to get things done.
Here’s an exercise Sincero suggests that’ll help you separate money from negative feelings:
- Write two “Dear Money” letters, like you’re talking to a person. In one letter, she wants you to express all your negative feelings about money, and on the other; share all of your positive feelings.
After you’re done, read the letters out loud. Doing so will help you start shifting your perspective, you’ll realize that your negative feelings don’t hold up to logic, while the positive things all make sense.
To continue nurturing a positive attitude toward money, express your gratitude when you get paid and treat these occasions as blessings.
You can start improving your situation by staying positive and being open to solutions.
We’re often taught to just accept what we see and hear as the truth, but the reality is way more complicated than that.
Sincero reminds us that our brains are constantly taking in information from our senses, so we’re essentially creating our own version of the world we live in.
That’s why it’s important to think positively, because it helps create a more prosperous world around you.

It’s easy to get stuck in negative thinking, feeling like things will never get better. You might think, “I’ll never be able to afford a vacation, so why even try to save money? Screw it, let me just spend it on junk food, at least it’ll make me happy for a little while.”
But that kind of mindset can keep you stuck for a long time, said Sincero, Instead, try filling your mind with positive thoughts, and you’ll start attracting more opportunities and good things.
This shift in thinking can even turn your finances around, just like it did for Sincero.
She was once in a tough spot and started thinking about people she could reach out to for help. One person who came to mind was a client who had taken a coaching class from her before. A year ago, he had signed up for a basic $25-an-hour offer, but Sincero wondered if he might want to upgrade to the $300-an-hour premium package now.
When she checked her email, there was already a message from him, asking what she was charging these days!
It all worked out because by staying positive and putting that energy out there, the universe responded with the perfect solution.
In the same manner, you can improve your situation by putting out positivity to encourage solutions to emerge.

Money can bring either positive or negative energy into your life, so learn to control it. —Jen Sincero
When you exchange money with someone, it’s not just a physical transaction; you’re also putting either good or bad energy into the universe.
That’s why making the right kinds of transactions is important to bring good fortune back your way.
For example, if you made $50 raking up leaves on your neighbor’s lawn, this puts out different energy than stealing $50 from someone’s pocket on a crowded subway train.
If you’re an employer, you also put out energy when you pay your workers. So, if you’re ripping people off and underpaying them, you’re giving out bad energy and creating a negative relationship.
But if you’re being honest and paying your employees the right amount, the relationship and energy will be positive.
You should always be aware of the kind of energy being created in these money situations and strive to keep all your dealings positive.
You should also think of how you can channel this energy so it can continue to generate more goods in the world.
You shouldn’t focus your energy on one thing but rather be open to all good possibilities for this to happen. By focusing on just one person or possibility, you’re blinding yourself to the infinite number of other opportunities that await and can provide more positive money.
It’s a lot like finding the man of your dreams.If you’re focusing all your attention on one guy, your happiness is completely under his control, whether or not he decides to return your feelings.
So instead, focus on recognizing the qualities of the person you’re looking for, and you’ll soon find there’s more than one guy out there who can bring you the positive love you’re looking for. (not consulting advice)
There are ways to break free from your fears and worries about making money.If you feel like your anti-money beliefs are still too deep-seated to shake, here are some more ways to break free.
- One of the best ways to start thinking differently is to dive right in and make a bold move toward making your dreams come true.
Sincero’s dream was to be a successful life coach.To help her make that transition, she had a choice of paying $15,000 for a group class or $85,000 to be taught by an experienced coach in one-on-one sessions.
She knew that one-on-one sessions would be far more rewarding, even though the cost was more than she made in a year.But she committed herself to finding a way to come up with the money.
It was a big step, but it forced her to stop thinking “no way” and start thinking, “There must be a way.”
Once you leap into the great unknown, there are bound to be lingering doubts and worries.
But instead of ignoring them or letting fear take over, write them down as a way to acknowledge their power and move on.
These wobbles are usually irrational.You might have similar thoughts or believe it’s too late to change, but it’s all nonsense!

Any subconscious worries can be altered to create a new narrative for your story. –Jen Sincero.
You don’t necessarily have to pay for a therapist to change the narrative in your head.In fact, it’s best when you can prove to yourself that you have the power to think positively and control your own destiny.
Create specific financial goals to help increase your chances of monetary success.
Generally speaking, people don’t become rich unless they want to.So naturally, it’s important to tap into your desire for money if you want to start banking the Benjamins.
The key to unlocking that desire is to get specific about why you want money and how much of it you need.
Then you can set solid goals for yourself.A famous example of how well this can work comes from actor Jim Carrey, who wrote a $10 million check to himself when he was broke and desperate for a job.
Carrey dated the check three years in the future, and sure enough, this act sparked his motivation and his career.
By the time the date on the check arrived, he’d landed his biggest role yet in the movie Dumb and Dumber, which earned him enough money to cash that check.
A goal like this is effective because it’s specific. When you’re precise about the goal and how meaningful it is to you, it increases the likelihood of the goal becoming a reality.
Think of it as placing an order with the universe.Now, you wouldn’t place an order at a sandwich shop by saying, “One sandwich, please.” You have to tell them what kind of bread whether you want mayo or mustard, and so on.
This way, you’ll get what you want – and the same goes for getting what you want out of life.
Being specific also provides a great boost to your determination.A sandwich is great, but a sandwich with all your favorite ingredients in just the right proportions is what gets your mouth watering.
But being specific also doesn’t mean limiting yourself.
Remember to stay open to the surprises the universe has to offer.This concept is known as surrendering to universal intelligence.The world is full of opportunities; a true badass doesn’t let them slip by.
Thanks for reading!